Sunday, November 29, 2009

Who enjoys the soap opera passions?

I just need to know if someone has any good spoilers!

Who enjoys the soap opera passions?windows media

y, still hooked on that soap

i read some spoilers , jared and gwen walk in on ethan and theresa having sex. Ethan gets put in a trance and hits jared with a fireplace poker(or whatever). kay marries fox. and on her honeymoon has sex with miguel. theresa agrees to jared's proposal of marriage. jared is shocked when he sees chad's lover. paloma and fancy team up to stop sheridan from ruining fancy's and luis's relationship. chad drugs whitney.

thats all about i know. you should see the daytime update on nbc.

Who enjoys the soap opera passions?microsoft exchange internet explorer

I got hooked in high school after my best friends started watching it. then i stopped watching it for a while and started again during Christmas break b/c my boyfriends sister watches it... she told me all the stuff that has happened recently and i told her all the stuff that happened before!
There are spoilers here

But, doesn't that spoil it?
I enjoy the show occasionally.. on the 15th, Jared is supposed to find out who Chad's secret lover is (although I am unsure if the audience will also find out)..

funny; because I thought Jared was Chad's dude on the side!

hope this helps...
I used to like it a couple of years ago when there was some comedy mixed in with the show. But since that actor, I think his name was Josh Ryan, passed away it hasn't been all that funny. In fact, at times it's pretty serious. So I quit watching it.

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